Monday, October 05, 2015

Yoga Will Change Your Life

Yoga is the ultimate stress buster. It provides us with a safe place to journey to on a daily basis. The yoga mat is our own little island where we can lose cell reception, goals, and obligations and return to the simplicity of breathing, finding a connection, and being in our boodles instead of floating all around them. The breathing and meditation practice slows the pulse, eases the mind, and clears out space. Doing this daily prepares us to stay calm in even the craziest of circumstances.
We have two very distinct choices in life-love and fear. Our fear base starts when we are small children dreading the monsters that live beneath our beds and slowly evolves to affect relationships, job choices, and even coming to terms with who we are. Choosing fear is the opposite of choosing love, leaving us confused, lonely, and afraid. A study published in Bio Psychology Social Medicine in 2011 revealed that long-term yoga practice can significantly reduce fear, anger, and fatigue. Researchers administered the Profile of Mood States questionnaire to two groups of healthy women one group whose members had more than 2 years of yoga experience and another group who had never practiced yoga. The long-term yoga practitioners had, on average, lower self-ratings for mental disturbance, tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and fatigue than the control group.
When we practice yoga, we kick worry to the curb and take love, potential, and hope with us when we roll up our mats and leave a class. Its a daily reminder to set intentions for what we want instead of what we dread. Think of yoga as an open invitation to be exactly where and who you are-which is perfect. Once you lose the fear, you can soar-high.

Tip: Make a promise to yourself:

When the yoga mat comes out, communication devices are turned off. Practice in a room with no phone or computer, or at least turn them off. (Putting your phone on vibrate does not count!) Dedicate this small portion of your day to yourself and no one else. Enjoy the minivication from the grind.

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